Breakup Tips



Had a breakup, with the one whom you thought to be “Forever Together” with. Sobbing all day and night, distraction from work and studies and above of all yours life seems to have been finished….Hey excuse me I am not yet done,here I am again with some of the good tips to make you overcome with ‘This’ whining period in your life :


  1. Family : people once a friend of mine asked me that “MJ (my pet name ) will anybody in this world will be able to love if you get a burn mark on your face ?” .I quickly said after a long thought with a ‘NO’ ….she pounced on me and asked me how can you forget your PARENTS , the one who will love you no matter When,Where And How you stand in public forum. So guys, the best and the easiest way to get out of this mess is only and only by spending more time with your family,start hanging with your cousins else just a handful of talks with your mom and you will see that everything will be fine cause they are the one’s who will never ask for anything  before and after they’ll love you.
  2. Friends: According to general consensus, the major fall of a person after breakup is only because of the beautiful memories of the time spend together with the special person in one’s life and the so called “HABIT” of the same person, no matter how much you try your dependency and desire to hang out with someone ends up to ‘that’ person no matter you are hurt. So the best advice is to hang around more with close pals of yours (if you are a  girl you should hang around with  a close male friend and vice-versa ,if possible. Trust me , it works ).
  3. Keep yourself “Super-Busy” :Indulge in some “ free of cost “ activity ( why to waste your precious money just because a fool didn’t understand your worth and left you )  , this probably could be academics , painting ,partying  take up any ongoing project in your school and college, cooking or anything you love to do.
  4. Written off : The more you see anything making you remember of Him/Her more it becomes difficult to ‘get out of it’ , so why not just delete his/her messages and contact no. from your mobile( btw if in emergency need , I guarantee you must be remembering that no. nonetheless…hehhe). And do return everything you gave as a gift or something , you must have been bored using them as of now.
  5. Do something for yourself: The major drawback of break-ups is that you start lacking your self –esteem and most importantly your importance which can only be achieved if you get success in something . Whether its sports, academics,extra curricular activitie or anything , you outta have to gain respect and credentials to boost yourself again. And you need to do it yourself because knowbody is gonna come and help you until and unless “ you’ll help yourself”


Try these 5 tips and you will definitely see a change , not so much but atleast to some extent, yes you will see.

Write-up  by :MALINI JAIN 

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