A Woman Who Dared

      Because I Am A Woman Who ‘DARED’


Why I have to suffer,

The pain of patriarchy,

The grudge of being a natural ‘inferior’

Why because I am a woman who ‘dared’


Time change, tide change ,people change

But why some suicidal taboos can’t change,

At times in the hazy light I wonder

Is this my destiny? And so I have to surrender

Have to leave the dream I have ‘Dared’ to grow up with


Why because ….


Is sneaking beyond one’s window can be so offending,

That society turns up so hostile,

The place you have inhabited for so long,

Starts giving you the feel of a forbidden song,

Why because …


Sometimes I dream of loosing myself in a deserted land ,

Away from all life-taking rituals and trend-‘s’,

Away from all the atrocities of the frivolous minded people,

But I still want a magic-wand to tickle,

To take away all such sufferings in the world,

Maybe cause a sufferer knows the ‘actual’ pain,

Why because…..

Is dreaming such a sin,

That  thieves, murderers becomes your kin,

You suddenly gain alike a worldwide attention,

And that too amidst all regular fatal tension,

Why because….


But why should I be afraid,

Why should my life be raid,

If  some people are  born to fight,

Then living such is my birth right,

Why because  I am a Woman,

A Woman who ‘Dared’.


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4 thoughts on “A Woman Who Dared

  1. How I yearn to be free
    From this fireside prison!
    With pot boiling on the stove
    And clothes hung out to dry
    To claw at the coalface deep underground
    To plough the fields in the rain
    In wet woollen clothes
    To get trenchfoot and then die slowly on the battlefield
    holding my own severed leg
    and calling out
    for my mother…

    But alas I am an oppressed woman of my time
    Forced to stay at home by the fire
    Against my will!
    For I’d much rather put down the ladle
    and pick up a shovel
    And build a road by hand

    My cruel fate is to be born
    Too early for feminism
    Which, by twist of fate
    and pure coincidence!
    Will not gain popularity
    Until ‘work’ has become
    An indoor experience
    In warm, safe, heated offices and factories
    And these future women
    Will grow their nails long
    And wear heels on their feet
    And push buttons and speak
    To earn their keep
    And pay their taxes
    To fund their wars

    And these future feminists
    I wonder, will they talk of me?
    And will they talk of the men
    Who oppressed me so bad?
    The men who kept me here by the stove
    Against my will!
    While they selfishly tore their bodies to shreds
    To put food on the table

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